Saturday, January 6, 2007

Pursuit Of Happiness?

Let us have a critical opinion on the meaning of Happiness.Below are two ideas...

Happiness is a momentary feeling or a phase which is not in your control and which can be wiped out any minute. You are happy because of the way things have shaped up around you. You feel that while you were a mere catalyst, you couldnt have achieved what you have without the support of destiny.

Another description of Happiness would be as something which is in your own hands and you control your destiny. You feel that you can be happy or sad whenever you want. It is you who control your own state of mind and believe that no matter what comes, it is to you to be happy or not feel about it.

These two contrasting ideas make me ponder about what happiness is exactly to me and how would others term it. Just as it is difficult to define "Love", it is difficult to define "Happiness".

Any thoughts on this??

Monday, January 1, 2007

New Year Day

A day to hang out with family and friends, enjoy it to create pleasant memories which would last throughout the year is what makes this day so special to everyone and definitely to me. What better day to restart blogging than this day.

First, let me wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May God shower upon you His Blessings.

As time progresses, one tends to be more and more concious about the present and worries about the future. I would like to add a thought to this. "Never forget your past". It is from this past that you have grown to where you are today. It is from the past that you can learn so much and improve upon urself and your surroundings.

With this short message, I sign off. Hope to see you guys filled with joy throughout the year:-)